The first Indo-French Conference
The first Indo-French Conference – Frontiers in Photonics and Metamaterials-2020 (IFCFPM) is being jointly organised by MU and the École Centrales (France), to be held on 3rd & 4th April, 2020.
The primary aim of IFCFPM is to provide a platform for bringing together global experts and researchers to disseminate and highlight novel contributions and challenges and, as an outcome, motivate innovation in the field of Photonics and Metamaterials. We invite original papers on emerging trends and significant developments in the area of photonics and metamaterials.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• Fibre Optics
• Biophotonics
• Optical and Terahertz Wave Guides
• Mid-IR and THz Photonics
• Novel Optical Sensors
• Silicon Photonics
• Laser Sensors
• Dielectric and Plasmonic Metamaterials
• Optical and mechanical storage devices
• Nanophotonics
• Opto-mechanical Metamaterials
• Photonics
Abstract Due: March 11, 2020 (11:59 IST)
Acceptance Notice: March 15, 2020
Registration: February 1– March 30, 2020
Early bird date: February 1–March 1, 2020
For more information visit: Contact: