Become An Innovator with the Best Engineering Colleges in Telangana

Published On: July 21, 2022

What is the first question that comes to your mind when we talk about computer science? Is it, “How does computer science help the world?” Well, this may sound like an uncomplicated question. However, it holds great significance with its many salient features. This is because computer science deals with the process of solving problems, and every part of our world has some issues that need solving. From technological tools and virtual classrooms to foreseeing a terrible hailstorm, cyclone, or even the imminence of a lethal disease, we are experiencing computer science in every sphere of life. And its role of has become more critical than ever with the new-age problems: growing cases of cybercrime, data, and privacy violation across the globe.

Latest data breach case

Let us take the latest example of Razorpay, a payment mode pioneered by a group of IIT Roorkee alumni. It has recently suspended the payments link that brought donations to Alt News, a fact-checking news website, and divulged providing donors’ data to the central government.

A report by the Indian Express says, “With the growing controversy around payments unicorn Razorpay and the suspension of the payment links for donations to Alt News, the focus is now on the sanctity of payments data of individuals and companies sharing such data with authorities without user consent.”

The above example is just one of the data violation incidents that have been making news for all good reasons. Perhaps to prevent the upcoming one. How? By the gift of computer science that guides us to predict human behaviour and psyche and prevent crimes.

Current need: Skilled labour

Most computer scientists in India have a basic understanding of computational programming, statistics, or mathematics. Yeah, we live in a country of self-taught coders and digital prodigies. However, there is a long way to go for India to become one of the strongest countries to grapple with crucial issues like data breaches, cybercrime, and privacy violation. As a result, we have fewer knowledgeable minds in computer science. Perhaps, the country needs more skilled tech giants who can fend off these new-age challenges.

Your university matters

Choosing a suitable educational space is imperative if you want to explore new-age courses, especially in engineering. There are already numerous engineering varsities in India. But students must spend ample time understanding which university is the best for them and their future prospects. Mahindra University, a well-known name in the education sector that offers multidisciplinary learning, offers B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) to students who are ardent about computational programming and relatable subjects. At Mahindra University, CSE students cover basic and advanced levels of algorithms, data structures, database management systems, machine learning, cryptography, etc.

Mahindra University also encourages academic exploration through its five elective courses that will prepare students to specialize in network or embedded system computing, HPC, graphics and computer interfaces, information security or data mining, and image processing.

Mahindra University strives to balance education with practical experiences through entrepreneurial projects and to make students industry-ready. For this, it solely offers students the opportunity to study and learn through practical and experiential approaches. For more details like B.Tech admission in Hyderabad and university-related information like Mahindra University CSE fees, kindly check out the university website.

Use your knowledge wisely

Unfortunately, today, anyone can infiltrate your identity. Not just that. Through social media tools and other modern technologies – data scraping – there is also a possibility that someone could trace your data and use it for illegal purposes clandestinely. With this unfortunate incident, you may also become victims of scams and other junk emails/texts. The growing penetration of the Internet is good in India. However, we need to keep track so that this is not misused. And for that, we need exceptional computer scientists and experts who can help the country prevent such disastrous incidents.

Why should we wait for payment mode companies like Razorpay or any other firm to suspend “suspected delinquents”? Why should we wait for things to happen? Why can’t we foresee it and prevent the mishappening? Mahindra University, one of the best engineering colleges in Telangana, offers exceptional academic approaches to CSE students who are the future of our country: to safeguard it from any data/privacy infringement.

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