How to Successfully crack an Interview

Published On: December 20, 2021

Interviews can be nerve-wracking for many of us, especially if you are a fresh graduate. With not much experience, the very thought of attending a job interview with a major company can be pretty intimidating. An excellent solution to overcome this challenge is to keep the mind calm, composed and alert. It is natural to be a little stressed and tense. However, it is essential to have self-belief and possess a positive frame of mind, and the answers to the questions will go smoothly if one keeps a calm mind.

With the Covid pandemic, most interviews are conducted online as organisations have moved digital. This interview mode has its advantages; namely, the ambience is not new and not much body language can be visible. However, there can be no compromise on preparation for the interview.

  • Research about the organisation: Before you sit for an interview, it is of utmost importance to do basic research on the organisation you have applied for. Apart from practising to articulate resume and experience, it is essential to know about your employer and the organisation. Research to determine whether your values match or align well with the organisation. Lookup for the vision, mission and strategies stated in public documents like Annual Report, Investors’ presentation, filings with regulators. Get to know the details about the company’s performance against its set objectives and the people policies, training & development and key personnel. Role of departments as narrated in the above documents. This primary research will help answer why you want to apply for this organisation and likely prospects. In addition, one can answer queries like “What do you know about our organisation?”.
  • Prepare yourself for standard interview questions: Being a fresher, the interviewers usually put the interviewee at ease to get the honest and best response. Whilst brushing up the academics and projects accomplished is a must, one must also be clear and forthright in answering any tough questions. It will be helpful to prepare and practice mock interviews at home. Brushing up your fundamentals is indispensable. Preparing well to answer questions such as1)Tell us about yourself?2)What is your best at (skills/talents)? 3) Why do you want to work for the organisation? 4) What is a life goal? 5) where do you see yourself ten years from now? It is crucial to prepare oneself thoroughly to answer them confidently.
  • Reach early to the location: Being present early for the interview is of utmost importance. Being late or providing reasons for being late (even if genuine) provides a wrong impression in the interviewer’s eyes; therefore, keeping in mind all reasons for getting late (traffic, non-availability of transport, rain etc.), it is always advisable to start early and reach before time.
  • Clear speech and Body language: Communication skills and answering questions are essential in an interview. One must be attentive, answer honestly, avoid distractions, be precise in speech and expression. Where required, support with data or quote the sources of information (which will also bring forth how much you are keeping abreast of matters specific to the industry and general knowledge.) In addition, it is crucial to maintain eye contact, dress correctly and have proper body language during an interview.
  • Interest in the organisation: There are plenty of methods to show a candidate is interested in working for a company. One vital way to exhibit is by asking questions about the company, its work culture and vision, at the end of the interview when you are allowed to ask questions about the company. This helps in gaining an understanding of the company and its culture.You can start by finding out information from their website, listing questions that interest you, and asking during the interview.Begin by going through its website to find the maximum relevant information about the organisation.

    Once you know the information mentioned publicly, start making a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer. Again, be specific about each question and try including the things that can bring more clarification to you.

    For instance, if you see that the company invests heavily in the learning and development of its people, you can ask more about the programs they offer.

  • Share your experience: One of the common questions asked by the interviewer relates to understanding the attitudes, work ethics, psychological outlook and response to challenging situationsto help them figure out the fit of the candidate with the company’s culture. From your end, tell the interviewer you will be an excellent fit for the organisation and would be willing to world hard and give in your 100%. Share your strength and other qualities. As a result, it becomes easier to advance in an interview.
  • Maintain Positivity:Whatever be the outcome, always start and end the interview on a positive note. Thank the interviewer for their time. It should begin once you enter the organisation, be polite with the receptionist and whoever you meet as word spreads, and it could affect the final decision.

It is essential for the candidate to be positive and exude to interviewers through polite and composed, self-confident articulation. For example, being courteous and interacting with people is vital. It is also important to be effective in communication. For instance, it is better to confirm the message wherever not understood by rephrasing in your own words and seeking confirmation before answering based on incorrect assumptions.

Whatever may be the outcome, thoroughly prepare for the interview and be confident. Stay calm and confident while answering the questions. Try to keep in touch with your interviewer by sending them a thanking message or telling them how valuable the interview round was. Especially stay driven when you know you have been shortlisted for the next round.

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