Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

The Electrical & Electronics Engineering branch offers ten departmental courses (37 credits) covering basic and advanced knowledge in signal processing, electromagnetic and communication theory, together with IC design, communication networks and power systems.

Five elective courses (15 credits), professional or open ones, allow for specialization in power and distribution systems, VLSI and embedded system design, automation and robotics or communication systems. Acquired knowledge and skills are applied in four departmental projects (15 credits).

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Graduates shall excel in their professional career and/or higher education by acquiring fundamental knowledge in Basic & Applied Sciences, Basic Engineering Principles and Computational Skills.
  • Graduates shall analyze and be successful in designing new products and finding technically sound, cost-effective and socially acceptable solutions to engineering problems.
  • Graduates shall exhibit professionalism, ethics, communication skills, teamwork in their profession, adapt to current trends by engaging in lifelong learning and participate in research & development.

Core Courses

  • Advanced VLSI Design
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Digital Electronics and Microprocessors
  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Linear IC Design
  • Material Sciences
  • Networks & Filters
  • Optical Communication
  • Power Electronics

Aspire to be a ‘next-gen engineer’ equipped to take on the challenges and opportunities of an automated world at MU!

Get Educated by the

Best Faculties

  • Sayantan Hazra
    Associate Professor

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  • Sreedhar Madichetty
    Associate Professor

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  • Subbarao Boddu
    Assistant Professor

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  • Bharghava Rajaram
    Associate Professor

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  • Aditya Abburi
    Associate Professor

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  • Ankita Jain
    Assistant Professor

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