Article published in Taylor & Francis Journal (IF 4.2)

Jayato Nayak, Assistant Professor, Centre for Life Sciences has his research articles published in Journal ‘Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews ( Taylor & Francis, IF: 4.2) as a second author and corresponding author in collaboration with CSIR-CMERI and KIITS. The articles highlight the development of concrete blocks with the help of large-volume arsenic- and iron-rich sludge. The studies also showed that 10% arsenic sludge with 40% iron sludge showed the highest strength resistance and 50% replacement of fresh river sand without deterioration in the strength of concrete blocks. Further, the TCLP test confirmed no chances of recontamination through leachate formation and its safe disposal and re-utilization of contaminating wastes for value-added purposes. Lastly, developed concrete blocks are lesser than 1/2 the cost of the commercially available ones.
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