Mahindra University – BORN Group Joint Event

BORN Group (as Industry Partner) and Mahindra University School of Management (SoM) on August 4, 2021. This collaboration is also unique for the BORN group, in terms of creating a program on digital skills incubation in a upcoming reputed university. This program is specifically designed to train students in the latest digital technologies and make them industry-ready.
Mahindra University (MU) believes that program curricula should instil academic rigour in students and make them industry-ready. Therefore, MU has had extensive conversations with the CEO and Senior Management of the BORN group and sought their inputs on the School of Management BBA programs – especially BBA in digital technologies and BBA in computational business analytics.
BORN group had enthusiastically agreed to be the Industry Partner for the programs and mentor and guide the BBA students at the School of Management.