Hari Prasad
Associate Professor
Dr. Hari Prasad Chennarapu is an Associate Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University. Dr. Hari Prasad did his Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
M.Tech in Geotechnical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.
B. Tech in Civil Engineering, SVITS, MBNR.
Higher secondary, Takshashila Junior College.
- Worked as head of the department, Civil Engineering in Vardhaman College of Engineering (Autonomous), Hyderabad, From June 2016 – June 2018. Also, Committee ember for NBA and NIRF.
- Board of studies member for Vardhaman college of Engineering and TKR College of Engineering, Hyderabad.
- Convener for two Faculty development programs held at Vardhaman College of Engineering.
- Worked as Officer in K. Raheja Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, Telangana (July-November 2010)
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Sree Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and Science, Mahabubnagar, Telangana (January- June 2011).
- Actively involved in developing geotechnical research lab and participated in the installation of various laboratory instruments during laboratory development phase of IIT Hyderabad.
- Worked as Assistant Professor, ICFAI University, Hyderabad, Telangana
- Delivered guest lecture on “Quality control of earth works by using NDT methods” during IGS student chapter inaugural event at Vardhaman college of engineering (Autonomous), Hyderabad
- Delivered guest lecture on “Transverse pullout response of reinforcement embedded in sand” in one-day workshop conducted by IGS local chapter in JNTU Hyderabad.
- Delivered guest lecture on “Importance of civil engineering” at ISL college of Engineering, Hyderabad.
- Delivered guest lecture on “LWD device application in asphalt and base layers for quality control” at MVSR college of engineering, Hyderabad.
International Journals
- Bhragav kumar, Hariprasad Chennarapu, and Umashankar Balunaini (2023). Modified Axial Pullout Resistance Factors of Geostrip and Metal Strip Reinforcements in Sand Considering Transverse Pull Effects. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s10706-023-02485-7. (Q1- ESCI)
- Sidhu Ramulu Duddu, Vamsi Kommanamanchi, Hariprasad Chennarapu, and Umashankar Balunaini. (2023). “Evaluating Improved Moduli of Geogrid-Stabilized Sandy Soil with a Deflectometer”. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) - Ground Improvement. P 1-34. doi: 10.1680/jgrim.22.00075. (Q2-ESCI)
Hariprasad Chennarapu, Laxmi Manisha Gandham, Hima Sankari Maddula, Mrudula Meriga, and Raval Ratnam. "Stiffness Based Approach of Pullout Resistance Factors of Reinforcements Embedded in Soil." Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement (2021): 1-24. doi: 10.1680/jgrim.20.00077
Hari Prasad, C., Rajashekar, M., and Umashankar, B. (2016). Preparation of Uniform Sand Specimens using Stationary Pluviation and Vibratory Methods. Geotechnical and Geological engineering, 34(6), Springer: 1909-1922, DOI 10.1007/s10706-016-0064-0.
Durga Prasad, B., Hari Prasad, C., Umashankar, B. (2016). Load-Settlement Response of Square Footing on Geogrid Reinforced Layered Granular Beds. International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, 2(36), DOI: 10.1007/s40891-016-0070-6.
Book Chapter
Geotechnical Special Publications
Umashankar, B., Hari Prasad, C., and Mouli, S. (2015). Interface properties of metal-grid and geogrid reinforcements with sand. IFCEE, Geotechnical Special Publication, ASCE: pp. 1430-1438.
Umashankar, B., Mouli, S., and Hari Prasad, C.(2015). Settlement of embankment constructed with geofoam. IFCEE, Geotechnical Special Publication, ASCE: pp. 161-170.
Refereed Conferences
Durga Prasad, B., Hari Prasad, C., and Umashankar B. (2014). Shear strength of IS sand under various normal stress, Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2014) Kakinada, pp. 109-113.
Research areas:
- Soil-Reinforcement Interaction
- Quality Control of Pavement layers/earthworks
- Soil Stabilization
- Sustainable Materials
- Soil- structure interaction
- Received Best research scholar award- 2016 from the Institute of Engineers, Telangana.
- Received Certificate of research excellence from IIT Hyderabad for the year of 2015.
- Worked as Departmental doctoral representative, IIT Hyderabad during the period of 2013-2015.
- Received travel grant from MHRD to attend the IFCEE International Conference at San Antonio, Chicago in 2015.
- Selected for “The Youth-Exchange Project with Asia-Oceania and North America (Kizuna bond Project)” conducted by Japan International Cooperation Center (2013).
- Title: Use of geosynthetics in pavements over soft and expansive subgrades: A sustainable solution,
Funded by Ministry of Textiles. (Amount 50.1 Lakhs). 2022
Collaboration: PI: Dr. B. Umashankar, Professor, IIT Hyderabad
Co-PI: Dr. C. Hariprasad, MU
Industry partner: Techfab India Pvt. Ltd. - Title: Evaluation of allowable bearing pressure and Subgrade modulus of foundation soil using DCPT (Semi – NDT Method). (Amount 8 Lakhs) 2022
PI: Dr. C. Hariprasad - Title: Evaluation of shear strength parameters of geomaterials by using Large shear test, Funded by Mahindra University. (Amount 5 Lakhs) 2021 PI: Dr. C. Hariprasad
- Title: Quality Control Evaluation of Pavement layers by Using Modified Light Weight Deflectometer (NDT method), Funded by Mahindra University. (Amount 5 Lakhs) 2019
PI: Dr. C. Hariprasad - Title: Advanced Laboratory Characterization of Geosynthetic/Steel Wire Mesh Reinforced Sustainable Materials, Funded by Mahindra University. (Amount 7 Lakhs) 2018 PI: Dr. C. Hariprasad
- IGS Young doctorate webinars conducted, the information is given below.
- Dr. Bhargav delivered talk on 11-12-2021
- Dr. Sriram, delivered talk on 11-12-2021
- Dr. Mahesh babu, delivered talk on 24-02-2022
- Dr. Gautham, delivered talk on 27-04-2022
- IGS student chapter webinar by Dr. Bhaskar Chittori, Boise State University, USA.
- IGS student chapter MU and IGS Hyd. Chapter organized one-day symposium.
- Organizing Two Days National conference on Futuristic Approaches in Civil Engineering at Mahindra Ecole Centrale, Hyderabad
- Organized one-day workshop on sustainable application in geotechnical and transportation engineering at Mahindra Ecole Centrale, Hyderabad
- Convener for the faculty development program, recent innovations in civil engineering (RICE), held at vardhaman college of engineering, Hyderabad
- Convener for the faculty development program, Applications of Ansys in civil engineering, held at vardhaman college of engineering, Hyderabad
- The First Asian workshop on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, ASIAFUGE-2012, IIT Bombay, India.
- GeoApps-(2013), organized by IGS Hyderabad Chapter, IIIT Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
- International seminar on Forensic geotechnical engineering, Bangalore, India, January in 2013
- Volunteer and attendee for international conference ICCMS Hyderabad, India, December 9-12, 2012
- Site quality control by using NDT methods, during FDP on innovative contactless investigation techniques in Civil Engineering at VNR VJIT. AICTE ATAL FDP:
- Trasnverse pullout of reinforcements embedded in sand, During FDP on advances in geosynthetics at NIT Warangal (Electronics and ICT academy FDP).
- Numerical and experimental Pullout studies of Reinforcements embedded in sand, during computer diligence in civil engineering & applications. Nit warangal- Electronics and ICT academy FDP.
- Geomaterials-and Geosynthetics in infrastructure (Testing-quality-design) during 3 days training program- Pallavi Engineering College, Hyderabad.
- Sustainable materials in construction: Alternative approaches – during one-week faculty development program on Sustainable construction materials at CMR College of Engineering.
- NDT Methods of Quality Control Application in Foundation Engineering – during AICTE-FDP on Foundation Engineering, JNTU Hyderabad.
- Delivered guest lecture on “quality control of earth works by using NDT methods” during IGS student chapter inaugural event at vardhaman college of engineering, Hyderabad
- Delivered guest lecture on “Transverse pullout response of reinforcement embedded in sand” in one-day workshop conducted by IGS local chapter in JNTU Hyderabad
- Delivered guest lecture on “Importance of civil engineering” in ISL college of Engineering, Hyderabad
- Delivered guest lecture on “LWD device application in asphalt and base layers for quality control” at MVSR college of engineering, Hyderabad
Sr. No | Name and Photograph | Area of Research | Research topic |
1 |
Evaluation of Quality Control Parameters in Laboratory and Field using NDT Methods in Pavement Engineering Applications | |
2 |
Evaluation of geosynthetic- reinforced pavements constructed with C&D waste | |
3 |
Use of Geosynthetics in pavements over soft and expansive subgrades: A sustainable solution |