N. Mythili
Associate Professor
At Mahindra University, she has undertaken works related to starting of Ph D programme that required selection of candidates by coordinating with marketing department. She is also engaged recently in the matters related to academic administration under the able guidance and support of eminent academicians in the university. Her academic activities are related to formulation of courses for Ph D programme course work, teaching the course on Teacher Education and School Education for Ph D scholars, working closely with the librarian to set up library for Education department, and working with commercial department for identifying statistical soft wares such as SPSS and N Vivo.
Before joining Mahindra University, she was deeply involved in policy research, teaching, large scale implementation and training of School Leadership Development Programmes (SLDP) through Ministry of Education, India. At National Centre for School Leadership (NCSL), she held responsibilities as the national coordinator for many states such as Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Goa, Kerala and Manipur to develop and implement school leadership among principals.
She is a member of the National Resource Group for NISHTHA programme launched by Ministry of Education in collaboration with several national level organizations, such as NCERT, Kendriya Vidhayala Sanghatan, Navodaya Vidhyalaya Samiti and NIEPA for programmes related to capacity development of school heads in India. Her work titled “Pedagogical Leadership: A handbook for Leading learning in Schools” is being used and implemented by all schools affiliated to CBSE in India and Abroad. She continues to be the key person to conduct workshops on Pedagogical leadership even after joining Mahindra University.
She completed her Ph.D. from the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, Karnataka in 2006. She has worked at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Azim Premji Foundation, Bengaluru, and Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research, Dharwad, Karnataka. She also worked as Trained Graduate Teacher for 6 years in the beginning of her career.
- Ph.D. in Education (2006) from Institute for Social and Economic Change and Mysore University
Title of the Thesis: Determinants of Quality of Schooling in Rural Primary Schools in Karnataka.
Obtained national scholarship to do Ph.D.
- Bachelor of Education (1990) from Bangalore University
Physics and Mathematics Teaching methods and Action research - Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (1990)
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore
- Master of Education (1994), Bangalore University
3rd rank at university level
Specialization Subjects: Advanced Educational Psychology; Social Psychology and Group Dynamics
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) (1988), Bangalore University
National Institute of Educational Planning and Development (May 2013 – Sept 2021), Assistant Professor
- Curriculum and Material development on School leadership (online and off line)
- Capacity development of Principals for all schools in India
- Programme implementation of Government of India through SAMGRA SHIKSHA on School leadership Development
- Setting up of School Leadership in all States and UTs in India
- Research and Development
- Design and implement Post Graduate Diploma in School leadership and Management
- Teaching education officers enrolled from national and international levels\ Teaching different courses in the university.
- Organise and conduct national level seminars, conferences, review and planning workshops for all states and UTs
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (April 2012 – Jan 2013), Project Leader
- Research in the area of Teacher Education Institutions in States
Azim Premji Foundation (Aug 2009- Feb 2012)
- Research, development, and training in the area of School leadership and Management studying education systems.
- Mythili, N (Feb 2022). Mastering the Art of Fixing Ethical Dilemmas: Women leading schools in India. In Victoria Shownmi, Charol Shekshaft, and Izhar Oplatka (eds) The Bloomsbury Handbook on Gender and Educational Leadership and Management. USA: Bloomsberry.
- Mythili, N et.al. (2021). Pedagogical Leadership: A Handbook for Leading Learning in Schools.New Delhi: Ministry of Education, Government of India, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, and Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi (1st edition- Nov 2020 and 2nd edition - March 2021)
- Mythili, N (2020). Regional Diversity, School Leadership and Quality Education: A comparative study of north-eastern states in IndiaIn J B G Tilak (eds) “Universalisation of Secondary Education. Singapore: Springer Nature.
- Mythili, N (2019). Women in School Leadership. New Delhi: Sage Publishers Pvt Ltd.
- Mythili, N (2012). Quality Education Model: A Self Learning Work Book: An Introduction.(English language) Bangalore: Azim Premji University.
- Mythili, N (2012). Quality Education Model: A Self Learning Work Book: An Introduction.(translation into Kannda language) Bangalore: Azim Premji University.
Online Modules (as coauthor)
- School Leadership: Concepts and Applications (2021). NISHTHA programme for Secondary Schools. New Delhi: GOI-NCERT.
- School Leadership: Concepts and Applications (2020). NISHTHA Programme for Elementary Schools. New Delhi: GOI-NCERT
Research Articles Published in various peer reviewed/ UGC CARE journals (Single Author)
- Mythili, N (2019). Governance and Leadership for Achieving Higher Quality in School Education: A Study of Sikkim. Indian Journal of Public Administration, 65(2), Apr-June,298-324 ISSN no: 00195561 and eISSN no: 24570222.
- Mythili, N (2019). Quest for success: Ladder of school leadership of women in India. Social Change, 49 (1), 114-131, ISSN: 0049-085
- Mythili, N (2019). What’s all the fuss about innovation in education? Teacher Plus, 17 (3), 52-55, ISSN: 0973-778.
- Mythili, N (2019). Legitimisation of women school leaders in India. Contemporary Education Dialogue. Vol 16(1), 54-83, ISSN: 0973-1849; Online ISSN: 2249- ISSN: 09731849
- Mythili, N (2018). Does privatising the public interest guarantee school quality? Looking through the lens of Teacher Education. Indian Journal of Public Administration, September 62(4), pp.565-586, Special issue on Independent Regulatory Authorities in India: A Comparative Perspective (Part 2), ISSN no: 00195561 and eISSN no: 24570222
- Mythili, N (2017). Does School Leadership Matter for Student Learning in India? A Case Study of Sikkim. Indian Educational Review, December, Vol-56 (2), 34-63ISSn 0019-561X.
- Mythili, N (2017). Representation of Women in School Leadership Positions in India. Occasional Paper (No.51),National University (now changed to Institute) of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi.
- Mythili, N (2015). School Leadership Development: A Road Map for Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, India, 29(4), 379-400. ISSN 0971-3859.
- Mythili, N (2013). Quality Education Model: Modeling School System for Achieving Equitable Quality in India. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, January, 27(1), 71-100. ISSN 0971-3859.
- Mythili, N (2002). Community Pressure for Higher Quality of Schooling in Rural Primary Schools. Economic and Political Weekly. 37 (24), (June 15-21), 2349-2355 ISSN 0012-9976 Online ISSN - 2349-8846.
- Mythili, N (2001). Cost Mix for Achieving Higher Quality of Schooling” Perspectives in Education. 17 (3), 155-164. ISSN: 0258-2236
- Mythili, N (2001). Time Use and Quality of Schooling in Rural Primary Schools. Indian Educational Review. Vol 37 (2), 60-75 ISSn 0019-561X.
Programme design / Handbooks / modules/ online courses developed
- Mythili, N (2019). Hand book on capturing Most Significant Change (MSC) to study the process change of School leadership Development Programme implemented in all states and UTs in India. New Delhi: NIEPA
- Mythili, N (2014). Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and Management: A Course Handbook 2014-15.New Delhi: NUEPA.
As co-author with the team:
- National Initiative for School heads and Teachers’ Holistic Development: Leadership Package, 2019. MHRD: NCERT, New Delhi ISBN: 978-93-5292-0
- School Leadership and Management: A Handbook for certificate Course New Delhi: NUEPA, 2016. Chapters: Preparatory Exercise and; Leading Innovations, and One year engagement for continuous professional development.
- National Programme Design and Curriculum Framework on School Leadership Development, 2014. New Delhi: NUEPA (led the team in developing the curriculum framework, writing the book and also one of the contributor)
- School Leadership Development: A Handbook, 2014. New Delhi: NUEPA, New Delhi (3 chapters: Preparatory Exercise; Leading Innovations and Consolidation and one year engagement for continuous professional development).
Online courses written using all 4 quadrants on Moodle platform in the area of School Leadership and Management
- Leading Innovations – 3 modules covering the entire course. (Sole author and Course coordinator for online web portal).
- Title: School head: A key driving force for Innovations.
- School Leadership: Concepts and Applications for elementary school heads. NISHTHA, a Central Government initiative for preparing school heads as Leaders (third author)
- School Leadership: Concepts and Applications for secondary school heads. NISHTHA, a Central Government initiative for preparing school heads as Leaders (second author)
The internationally acclaimed free online magazine “Live encounters” published 2500 words about the book on Women in School Leadership in its December, 2019 issue https://liveencounters.net/2019-le-mag/12-december-thinkers-2019/dr-n-mythili-women-in-school-leadership/.
TOI conducted the interview based on the research publication on women principals on 6th September 2018. It has extensively quoted my research study in writing the article on the occasion of Teacher’s day 2019. The link is provided here: https://m.timesofindia.com/business/india-business/crack-in-the-glass-ceiling-more-women-at-top-in-school-managements/amp_articleshow/65706730.cms#referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s–
Live telecast delivered on e-vidhya , Swayam Prabha channel DTH #31 by NCERT
- “School Leadership: concepts and Applications” NISHTHA, online programme with Dr. Charu Malik (28 August 2020) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrGy5iAfEwQ&t=900s
- “Effect of School Leadership on Student Learning” (11Oct 2019) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqzg64U5Fhw
- “Capturing the Most Significant Change n Schools” (23 Aug 2019) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAEWWAjIIps
- “Building a culture of Innovation” (14 June 2019) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkErFdFO7JU
- “Knowing more about Innovations” (7 June, 2019). URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VdNE3z13Ws
- “Women in School Leadership” (25 Oct 2019) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qCNe0MrVow
- “School heads as Academic leaders” (15 NoV 2019) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ8NOLIz_EU
- “Role of Governance Leadership and Quality Education” (31 Jan 2020) URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB-eJzCJ2EM
- “Legitimisation of School leadership of Women” (13March 2020) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMMnMFDzaHw
- “Good practices of school leadership in Tamil Nadu and Bihar” in association with Dr. Poornima Assistant Professor, Council for Social Development, New Delhi (20 March 2020) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8Et7UxEW0o
- “School Leadership: Concepts and Applications” NISHTHA online programme with team of NCSL (August 28, 2019) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4dQoiWdjZ8&t=12s
- An introduction to Pedagogical Leadership (19 August 2021) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovt7NElotNY
- 13. Heart to heart with Dr N. Mythili | pedagogical leadership| CBSE (25 July 2021) URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENyhf_6yEqY
Research Projects completed
- “Pedagogical Leadership of Principals affiliated to CBSE schools”. (December 2019 to November 2020)
Agency: Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi
Purpose: To transform School principals as Pedagogical leaders
Output: Handbook developed for principals.
This handbook is being used by all CBSE Schools with in India and abroad; Navodaya Vidyalaya Schools, and Kendriya Vidyalaya Schools. - “Constructing Pre and post Assessment test items on Pedagogical leadership for assessing training needs of principals” (January to April 2021).
Agency: Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Noida
Purpose: assess extent of understanding through self-study and evaluation of capacity development
Output: Question items each were prepared and administered for Pre and Post Assessment - “Project Evaluation and Pre-Funding Assessment for Institutional Support to Child in the Centre for Child Rights and Law” at National Law School, Bangalore (April to May, 2013)
Agency: Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Mumbai.
Purpose: pre-funding assessment and programme evaluation
Output: report submitted and discussed. - “Monitoring SSA and MDM Implementation in Karnataka” (Oct to Dec 2012)
Agency: Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore
Purpose: Monitoring and evaluation of government schemes
Output: report submitted