Ranjith Kunnath
His research interest is in theoretical solid mechanics. Some research topics are elasticity theory, wave propagation, fracture and frictional mechanics, computational mechanics, and earthquake dynamics. Some courses he has taught at Mahindra University are Dynamics and Applications, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Mechanics, Multiphysics, Theory of Elasticity and Fracture and Frictional Mechanics. He was the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering during 01/2018-08/2020. He has been selected as a Senior Associate of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy for the six-year period 1/2023 to 12/2028.
Ph.D. Engineering Sciences, Harvard University, USA.
M.Sc. (Engg.)
M.Sc. (Engg.) Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai.
- Visiting Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India.
- Invited Professor, Seismology group, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France.
- Professor, SRM Research Institute, SRM University, Kattankulathur, India.
- Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Amrita University, Coimbatore, India.
- Postdoctoral Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
- Postdoctoral Scientist, Mechanical Engineering Department, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, U.S.A.
- Avinash Gupta and K. Ranjith*, Stability of steady frictional sliding at an interface between two elastic layers, Mechanics of Materials, 172, 104382 (2022). (doi)
- K. Ranjith*, Spectral formulation of the boundary integral equation method for antiplane problems, Mechanics of Materials, 165, 104177, 2022. (doi)
- J. R. Rice, N. Lapusta and K. Ranjith, Rate and state dependent friction and the stability of sliding between elastically deformable solids, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 49, 1865-1898, 2001. (doi)
- K. Ranjith* and J. R. Rice, Slip dynamics at an interface between dissimilar materials, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 49, 341-361, 2001.(doi)
Sponsored Projects
- 3D elastodynamic fracture simulations, sponsored by National Supercomputing Mission (NSM), India, Rs. 25 lakh sanctioned for 2021-2023.
- Role of antiplane slip waves in rupture dynamics, CRG project sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India, Rs. 35 lakh sanctioned for 2020-2023.
Teaching Summary
- Fall 2021, Mahindra University: ME6002 Fracture and frictional mechanics (Graduate course)
- Fall 2020, Mahindra University: ME6005 Theory of Elasticity (Graduate course)
- Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Mahindra University: ME310 Multiphysics (B. Tech. Course)
- Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Mahindra École Centrale: ES208 Mechanics (B. Tech. Course)
- Fall 2018, Mahindra École Centrale: ME471 Microscale mechanics (B. Tech. Course, as co-instructor)
- Spring 2018, Mahindra École Centrale: ME308 Experimental Analysis (B. Tech. Course, as co-instructor)
- Spring 2018, Mahindra École Centrale: ME312 Advanced Mechanics of Solids (B. Tech. Course)
- Fall 2017, Mahindra École Centrale: ME309 Dynamics and Applications (B. Tech. Course)
- Winter 2017, VIT University: MEE1002 Engineering Mechanics (B. Tech. Course)
- Fall 2016, VIT University: MEE5013 Advanced Mechanics of Solids (M. Tech. Course)
- Winter 2016, VIT University: MEE336 Finite Element Analysis (B. Tech. Course)
- Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Fall 2016, VIT University: MEE214 Strength of Materials (B. Tech. Course)
- Spring 2013, Spring 2014, and Spring 2015, SRM University: ME0001 Finite Element Methods. (B. Tech. Course)
- Fall 2012, Fall 2013 and Fall 2014, SRM University: MA2007, Applied Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers. (M. Tech. Course)
- Spring 2007 and Spring 2008, Amrita University: ME 660 Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials. (M. Tech. Course)
- Fall 2007, Amrita University: ME 600 Theory of Elasticity. (M. Tech. Course)
- Spring 2003 and Spring 2004, IIT Bombay: ME 202 Strength of Materials. (B. Tech. Course)
- Fall 2003, IIT Bombay: ME 621 Mathematical Methods in Mechanics. (M. Tech. Course)
- Spring 2001, Harvard University: Teaching Fellow for ES 123 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics. (Undergraduate Course)
- Spring 1997, Harvard University: Teaching Fellow for AM 105b Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. (Undergraduate Course)
Selected Talks
- EGU General Assembly, 2022, online, 23 May 2022, EGU22-9.
- JpGU Union Meeting 2021, online, 3 June 2021.
- EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 26 Apr 2021, EGU21-273.
- 64th ISTAM Congress – An International Conference, IIT Bhubaneswar, 10 December 2019.
- 63rd ISTAM Congress – An International Conference, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore, 22 December 2018.
- Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 30 May 2018.
- Institut de Physiqe du Globe de Paris, France, 28 June 2016.
- Centre for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 20 February 2015.
- TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore, 24 April 2014.
- International Conference on Computational, Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, 6 January 2007.
- Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 22 December 2006.
- National Workshop-cum-Symposium on Complex Fluids, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 6 December 2002.
- Mardi Gras Conference on Multiscale Simulation, Theoretical, and Experimental Approaches to Deformation, Friction, Fatigue, and Fracture, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 23 February 2001.
- Workshop on Fracture, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University, U.K., 9 November 1999.
- Thirteenth U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, University of Florida, Gainesville, 23 June 1998.
- American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Boston, 28 April 1998.