Sunny Rai
Assistant Professor
Dr. Sunny Rai joined École Centrale School of Engineering at Mahindra University, Hyderabad in 2018. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Faculty of Technology, University of Delhi.Dr Rai is a member of IEEE, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Dr. Rai’s area of interest includes Natural Language Processing, Computational Social Science and Machine Learning. Her research has been published in top journals and conferences (ACM Computing Surveys, The Computer Journal, Meta4NLP(NAACL-HLT), IC2S2, IJCRS). She has acted as reviewer for journals such as Neurocomputing (Elsevier), IEEE Access, Computer Applications for Engineering Education (Wiley), and the top conferences such as AACL and EMNLP. For more information, please visit her personal page: https://sr007.github.io/about/
Ph.D (2020) – Faculty of Technology, University of Delhi, Delhi India.
M.Tech (2014) – GGS IP University, Delhi, India
B.Tech (2012) – GGS IP University, Delhi, India
Dec’20 - present
Assistant Professor, Mahindra University, Hyderabad, India.
Jul’18 - Dec’20
Academic Associate, Mahindra Ecole Centrale, Hyderabad, India.
Dec’14 - Jul’18
Teaching cum Research Fellow, NSIT, University of Delhi, India.
Computational Social Science (social norms, hate speech detection, universal needs), Figurative Text Processing (metaphor, humour, sarcasm), Text Generation, Visual Metaphor.