Executive MBA
Executive MBA
The ideal student for this EMBA program would be an experienced executives and business owners with more than 5 years of work experience. They need to have a strong desire to excel, insatiable curiosity, a positive can-do attitude and willingness to undertake this rigorous program while balancing family and work life.
The program has the rigor of a full-time MBA and the flexibility to allow working full-time. The aim is to admit a diverse set of students to facilitate great peer-learning during the program.
The unique design of the program structure allows for participants from any city to enroll for the program. They need to travel to campus for week-long residencies comprising of 6 terms over 2 years.
Experienced faculty drawn from various disciplines and geographies will anchor the program.

Academic Partner
The Academic Partnership with the Cornell SC Johnson School of Management in USA and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Germany exposes the students to global issues. In today’s world, no business is local. The world, especially in business, is deeply interconnected through suppliers, customers or service providers. Hence, to become a successful business leader, one must and be aligned with global issues and sensitivities.