General Management
General Management Programs
For managers who have achieved significant success as functional experts, stepping up to a general management role can be a difficult and potentially risky transition. General managers need a comprehensive toolkit, in order to make this transition from a specialist to a generalist, a successful one.
General Managers need to understand functions across, other than their own; they should be able to think strategically, evaluate & implement investment decisions, that will contribute to the overall benefit of the Organization, rather than a particular function. Breadth and depth are what characterize the Transition to General Management.
The Programs is designed to equip participants with the insights & tools needed, for transition to General Management roles. It will enable both current and potential leaders, to successfully face the challenges of growth & transformation, as Senior Leaders. It gives accomplished Functional Managers, a firm-wide perspective, the right skills, knowledge & perspectives needed, to succeed in Strategic Senior Management positions.

Currently, the following certificate Programs are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our Programs span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.