Sales and Marketing
B2B Sales Excellence
Customers in general, seek to do business with firms that not only provide great products but also amazing buying experiences. Most customers are longing to find providers of products & services, who are outstandingly unique in their commercial strategies, and who can truly impress potential clients with their exceptional competencies. In a world where most sales personnel have similar working methods, clients want to deal with firms who are refreshingly “different”. Too many companies and sales managers, compensate for the weaknesses in their sales strategy thinking and relationship building, with excessive digital messages, digital tactics and gimmicks, that look dangerously similar to everyone around. The “human” touch, so dear to clients, is getting lost somewhere along the line. Many clients around the world, want to establish a true conversation with suppliers. They want them to understand their differential particularities, and partner with them in their growth journey. They want to be treated as if they were the most important client, or even the only client. This Workshop is aimed at building competencies & skills among sales & marketing managers, to deepen their knowledge of customers, and work towards building a lasting, trusted relationship with their clients.

Currently, the following certificate Programs are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our Programs span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.